Empowering schools to achieve their next great fit. big idea. milestone. woohoo!

One key trait unifies strong schools of all sizes: the drive to be better. NextEd will help you get across your finish line and beyond.

NextEd partners with school administrators

What's your next?

Head of School

Let’s get the perfect fit for your school, on paper and personality.

Succession Planning

Great schools hire for the future, but we help with interim too.

Recruitment Platform

The best place for Heads of Schools and HR teams to meet.

Open Positions

Go ahead and take a look! We work with great schools.

Coaching and Mentorship

You can always benefit from wise counsel, even when looking.

Recruitment Platform

The best place for Heads of Schools and HR teams to meet.

School Start-up

You found the right team to get funded and launched.

School Start-up

You found the right team to get funded and launched.

Strategic Planning

It’s never too early to get a plan in place for your future school.

Statistics tell a story, and this one is worth reading.

The NextEd leadership team has a combined 130 years of experience in education. We want to use every one of them to help you grow in a sustainable, God-honoring way.


Students are at the heart of the world’s next big idea. We’re proud of every kid we’ve graduated in our tenures.


The size of a school’s annual budget isn’t everything, but the more you manage the better you plan for what’s next.


Our team has a wealth of knowledge on raising capital for education and the new schools of the future.

Key projects

Executive Search
King’s Ridge Christian School believes in cultivating a nurturing learning environment. They weren’t looking for a ruler, but a leader who places a premium on community and relationships.
Executive Search
Allen Academy is the oldest accredited, non-religious preparatory school in Texas. With a mission focused on adaptive expertise, their school needed someone very specific.

Great words.
Better people.

Allen Academy
To Know, To Serve, To Believe
Colorado Christian Academy
Savannah Christian Preparatory School
CESA: Council on educational standards and accountability
Covenant Day School
OpenSky Education
Southwest Christian School
ACSI: Association of Christian Schools International
Pacific Southwest District: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Lucas Christian Academy

Take the first step toward your next step, today!

Whatever you need, NextEd can find a way foward for you. It all starts with a conversation about you and the exciting opportunity (or pain point) you face.

Latest insights

Your writing, experience, and endorsements got you through the door, but it’s a different ball game at the semi-final level. These three things will help you make the right impression.
Or maybe it’s every Head of School is part project manager. Whatever way you slice it, there is much to be learned from the project management field. Don’t multi-task without these core focus points.
Effective strategic planning provides a light at the end of the dark tunnel of misalignment. Even more, it can limit the seemingly endless feedback loop of concerns schools face.